Your Expert in Customized School Trips and Adult Groups
Why do you want to travel with your students? There are so many reasons. Maybe you want to travel to a particular country to...
Tags: Blog, General Travel
A bake sale, a candy sale: those are the classic moneymakers for student groups. If you’re ready to switch things up a bit, here...
Tags: Blog, General Travel
Once you know you want to travel with your students, the next step is to collaborate with a tour consultant to plan your perfect...
Tags: Blog, General Travel
Maybe you’ve chosen your student travel itinerary, sign-ups are rolling in, fundraisers are scheduled, but you still need a few...
Tags: Blog, General Travel
You know what an impact your trip will have on your students’ lives. But unless they—and their parents—understand that, too, you...
Tags: Blog, General Travel
Foreign language programs across the country suffer from low enrollment. Once students get past their required credits, they...
Tags: Blog, General Travel, Languages
If you’re going to lead your students on an educational trip overseas, make sure the itinerary includes experiences worth leaving...
Tags: Blog, China, Destinations,
Did you know that the average European educational tour lasts 9 days?
Tags: Blog, General Travel
How much time do you need to plan an educational student trip? There’s no single answer to that question. The earlier you plan,...
Tags: Blog, General Travel
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Prométour’s mission is to design customized educational group travel to support teachers and help them to make their students discover, share and understand the diversity and beauty of the world around them.
Prométour is one of the most highly regarded companies in educational travel in Canada and the USA.
Prométour Educational Tours: For over 25 years we have been designing customized tours for student groups to help them get the most out of their educational travel experience.
Beyond by Prométour: a new line-up of adult-oriented itineraries based on the same quality standards, flexibility and expertise that have made our reputation.
Prométour 2000
339 St-Paul East, Montréal.
Québec, Canada (H2Y 1H3)
USA: 1-800-304-9446
CAN: 1-800-657-7754
© 2020 Prométour Educational Tours and Beyond by Prométour are Prométour 2000 brands | OPC Travel Agent Permit Holder #702379 from Québec, Canada
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