20 Moments ALL Teachers Can Relate To

Whoever said being a teacher was easy, clearly had no idea what they were talking about... Hey teachers, we tip our hats to you! Leave us a comment and let us know which of these moments relates to you the most!  

1) When a student asks you a question that's already been asked and answered


2) When the 3PM bell finally rings on Friday

via GIPHY  

3) That feeling after grading papers

via GIPHY / @burresstweets  

4) When students come to argue their marks on the last day of the semester

via GIPHY / @virtualham  

5) That feeling when the bell rings and you suggest one more problem

via GIPHY  

6) Making new seating charts

via GIPHY@sci_problems  

7) Walking out of school on the last day before winter or summer break

via GIPHY  

8) The Sunday night anxiety that sets in before the first Monday after Christmas/Spring or any break...

via GIPHY  

9) When you just asked a student to stop talking and you hear their voice seconds later

via GIPHY / @teachergoals  

10) When you catch a distracted student so you call on them to read

via GIPHY  

11) When they sharpen their pencil when you're explaining directions

via GIPHY / @teachergoals  

12) Prepping for parent-teacher night

via GIPHY  

13) Surviving parent-teacher night

via GIPHY  

14) When the flu is going around and you're doing your absolute best not to catch it

via GIPHY / @buzzfeed  

15) But when you do - calling in sick is not in your vocabulary

via GIPHY / @teachergoals  

16) When your lesson goes as planned and students were engaged and loved it

via GIPHY  

17) When you think you've got your work under control but who are you kidding?

via GIPHY  

18) When administration suggests you take on more students in your class

via GIPHY  

19) Trying not to laugh when a student says something hilarious but completely inappropriate

via GIPHY / @buzzfeed  

But in the end it's all worth it...


20) The feeling when your students tell you they appreciate you



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