7+ EdTech Blogs You Need to Follow Right Now

So you want to incorporate more game-based learning into your classroom but don't know how? It can be intimidating knowing where to start looking and researching how to use technology in the classroom.

That's why we decided to build a list of the best blogs to help you get started and stay inspired. Check out the 7+ EdTech Blogs You Need to Follow Right Now...


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Speed of Creativity, Wesley Fryer

Scratching your head over how to integrate tech into your classroom? Let Wesley Fryer, the keynote speaker behind Speed of Creativity, show you exactly how to go about digital storytelling and creative projects involving tech. What we love about his blog is how many resources and great tips are readily available for you to download and print!


Explore Like a Pirate, Michael Matera

Okay we really like Matera's blog name but it's not the only thing we like from Explore Like a Pirate. Matera covers a lot of different interactive-learning involving tech in the classroom and he's a pretty great rep for it considering he's not only a full time teacher at the University School of Milwaukee, but an international consultant for game-based learning. You can find a ton of different game-based learning activities and exercises on his blog, along with downloadable content.


The Tech Savvy Educator

This next blog is your essential guide to successfully integrating tech into your classroom. Equipment, smart phones and other gadgets for students can be rather costly and hard to manage on a limited budget - however this blog features how to not only incorporate but save money while doing it. What we love about this blog is how its posts are organized by curriculum; further going to say that every classroom can incorporate tech.


Edudemic should be in every teacher's bookmark tab. The site is always updated with fresh and brand new content that not only covers edtech, but the overall 21st century classroom and how to approach certain situations you may run into throughout the year. You're welcome!

Free Technology for Teachers

The name says it all. Maybe your school doesn't have a flexible budget for the brand new game tool on the market, but not to worry this website offers you a variety of alternatives so don't get too discouraged. What we love is how detailed the blog goes into for some free tech products, which will allow you to use different platforms to its fullest potential.


Worlds of Learning, Laura Fleming

Transmedia is a huge movement in the education world. After a successful book, Worlds of Making, Laura Fleming has a fantastic website to go along with it. This online hub for teachers interested and loving EdTech is great as it has a ton of content from podcasts, videos, and real life examples in Fleming's classrooms.


Best Tech Blog, Benjamin Kelly

After featuring,   , it's fair to say we're pretty big fans of game-based learning in the classroom. We're currently obsessing over another edtech blog which features a ton of different gaming tools and platforms. Ben's blog covers every corner in approaching educational technology in the classroom, with different ways on how to execute it successfully amongst different age groups and curriculums; he even covers the varying benefits. Our favorite part of the blog is his program which goes into more details including videos on all the tech platforms and tools he's used in the classroom.


Integration, Innovation, Kathi Kersznowski

Looking for not only ideas on how to integrate tech, but a little motivation and push in the right direction? Look no further, Kathi Kersznowski's (@kerszi) Integration, Innovation blog has a variety of content covering classroom discussions, projects and ideas. While we're big fans of her blog; we also love everything she shares on Facebook and Twitter which is great for every teacher who's in a rut for their next lesson-game plan.


Dani Kennis

There's no wonder why this teacher and EdTech Coach made the 100 New Jersey Educators to Follow on Twitter; Dani Kennis is one of our favorite EdTech gurus to follow online. Not only is her positive attitude and blog posts great reads for those who are struggling on integrating tech into their classrooms; she's also the cofounder behind TheEduCal which every teacher should have on hand. Don't know what TheEduationalCalendar is? It's the downloadable calendar every teacher should have to stay posted on all the great conferences and meet ups with other teachers happening near you.


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