Antoinette Pinelli - Sales Manager

Meet Antoinette, Prometour's dedicated Sales Manager since May, 2016. More commonly referred to as "Net" around the office, Prometour is lucky to have such a supportive and innovative Sales Manager. What Antoinette may lack in height (she is one of the smallest members of the Prometour family!) she more than makes up for in her outstanding leadership skills. Read below to learn more about this important Prometour leader.

Tell us about yourself!

I was raised and born in Montreal and grew up around a big Italian family. This is where I fell in love with cooking-when I was 4 years old my great grandmother taught me how to make gnocchi’s from scratch. My parents and my grandfather opened up my world by taking me on various trips-by 5 years old I had caught the travelbug!

What made you apply to Prometour?

I started my career in travel when I was 18 years old. I have been very fortunate to work with great companies and exceptional leaders. I was in the cooperate travel world for almost a decade, at which point I felt like I needed to be a part of an organization that made a difference in the world, which is when I stumbled on Prometour. It was the best of both worlds for me: travel and opening up the minds of young people to experience the different cultures in the world.


What are the top destinations you’ve visited and which was your favourite?

Hawaii & Italy

What was your best travel experience?

Italy holds a special place in my heart as I was able to visit all the places where my family is from-I really felt connected to my roots.

What was the craziest thing that has ever happened to you while traveling?

I was in a subway in Europe with my aunt, the car was packed with people, my aunt was holding my hand so tight I was numb. All of sudden she yelled as someone snatched her purse. We ran after him for four blocks until he gave up and dropped the purse.

What destinations are on your bucket list and why?

Australia: I would love to go snorkeling to see the Great Barrier Reef.

All of Europe for a culinary food tour.

What is the most satisfying part of your job?

Being able to see my team grow and achieve their professional and personal goals

Which Prometour Tour would you travel on?

Any European combo

What is the best piece of travel advice you can give someone?

Always pack walking shoes

What’s one thing you wish you could tell educators that want to plan a student trip?

Regardless of how much work planning a trip requires, we always need to remember the benefits it will bring to the future generation.

When did you first catch the travel bug?

I was 5 years old on a 50-seater bus with my entire family traveling to New York City. The minute I saw Times Square I knew I had to travel as much a possible.

What’s your favorite place in Québec?

Anywhere in the Laurentiens where I can be away from the city and surround by tress.

Net-Antoinette Pinelli, Sales Manager


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Let Your Education Take Flight.

Prométour’s mission is to design customized educational group travel to support teachers and help them to make their students discover, share and understand the diversity and beauty of the world around them.

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