Did you know that the name “Canada” is believed to originate from the Huron-Iroquois word kanata meaning village or settlement?
Similarly, the word “Québec” comes from the Algonquin word kébec meaning where the river narrows.
As the name of the country suggests, Canada’s Indigenous roots run deep and strong. In fact, it is estimated that 5.6% of the Canadian population is of Aboriginal ancestry! There are 617 First Nation communities in Canada, with 39 of them being located here in the beautiful province of Québec.
While planning your next student trip to Québec, why not explore this important aspect of Canadian history and culture?
Visit Village Huron

Located on the Huron-Wendat reservation just 30 minutes outside of Québec City, a trip to the Village Huron offers visitors the unique opportunity to discover the history, culture and lifestyle of the Huron Nation, both past and present.
During the guided tour led by knowledgeable staff dressed in traditional costume, participants have the opportunity to visit a Huron Long House, step inside a sweat lodge, take a seat in a handmade canoe and marvel at a giant tee-pee. Following this educational tour visitors have the option of participating in a variety of workshops and activities ranging from learning native handicrafts to playing traditional Huron games. The fur workshop, tales and legends storytelling and traditional music exhibitions are all great options depending on your group’s unique interests.
To round out your cultural immersion experience, why not end your visit with a traditional meal? The site offers an optional meal package to add to your guided tour, allowing visitors to discover indigenous cuisine. On the menu: traditional soup and bannock (native bread), bison burgers and home style cake served with a savory maple sauce. A meal you and your students are sure to remember!
To start organizing your own customized trip to Québec, feel free to reach out to a Prométour Tour Consultant today. Being that we call Québec our home, you can rest assured that we’re the leader when it comes to creating customized educational travel itineraries to this beautiful province!