Ecuador Offers a Variety of Learning and Eye-Opening Experiences for Students and Teachers

We love finding the next best destination for students & teachers that is great for an educational tour and fitting for many different class curriculums.

Offering a ton of hands-on experiences for those in Biology and Science; immersion programs for Spanish students, learning experiences for History students; as well as homestays and volunteering opportunities within indigenous communities for Social Studies or schools interested in humanitarian work; Ecuador offers a variety of learning and eye-opening experiences for all students and teachers alike.

Good things do come in small packages.

Although 33 times smaller than the United States, Ecuador is rich in both biodiversity and cultural diversity. Its size is a huge advantage for travelers because it makes going from one place to another extremely easy, more time efficient and budget-friendly. Traveling from the Amazon to the Andes is a two-hour bus ride at most, which is great for those who are looking to get the most out of South America within a limited time frame. We also suggest internal flights since they are inexpensive and extremely efficient for getting around.

Their biodiversity is next level.

When it comes to biodiversity; the first country that usually comes to our mind is Costa Rica. However, Ecuador’s biodiversity is richer than that of Costa Rica. Ecuador is home to 22,065 species and home to the largest populations of Mother Nature’s most unique plants, invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, birds, fish and mammals per square kilometer in the world. It also takes the crown for being the second country with the highest diversity of endemic vertebrates. Along with their extraordinary biodiversity; Ecuador also shares the title with 17 other countries as a megadiverse country.

Worlds in One Place – for you to explore.

Ecuador’s motto; Four Worlds in One Place, is a beautiful connotation of how the country offers four different demographic regions for travelers to frolic about in. We know Peru offers an incredible 3, however, the advantage with Ecuador is how easily and faster you can access all four in comparison. Home to the Andean Highlands, the Amazon Rainforest, the Pacific Coast and the famous Galápagos Islands; each region has something incredible to offer. From different families of fauna, vegetation and other wild nature treasures; an adventure throughout Ecuador truly feels like one is leaving and entering different worlds.

Cultural diversity

While each region features unique biodiversity and topography; they equally reflect the country’s rich cultural diversity as well. Ecuador is renowned for preserving its historical and cultural patrimony; and the country is a representative for multicultural harmony which embodies African, Indigenous and Spanish cultures. Ecuador offers eye opening and life changing cultural immersions with indigenous communities whose traditions continue to be strongly practiced in the Ecuadorian culture today. We highly suggest including Quito and Cuenca for such cultural experiences; as students and teachers are welcomed with open arms by those in the community.

Having your students interact with local children their own age is not only heart warming; it is life changing. These sorts of experiences have an immense impact on students as they are faced with those who have less than them; and yet are just as happy, if not more happy with what they have. From visiting children of the community, to participating in charitable volunteer work and spending the night in an one of these communities; this is what makes Ecuador stand out amongst its neighboring countries.

Home to one of the first places that was ever declared as a UNESCO site.

With little alterations ever made; Quito is the largest and best perserved historic center in the Americas; it is also the most important colonial center in Latin America. Capital of Ecuador, Quito was the first place to ever receive a UNESCO status along with the Kraków in Poland; making it all the more reason to visit.

One of the must do things to experience in Quito is to stand at the Ciudad Mitad del Mundo which marks the equator and the Middle of the World. Fun fact, Ecuador means Equator in Spanish!


Ecuador is home to 14 different languages and many more dialects. Furthermore intensifying the cultural immersion you and your students can expect when roaming the markets of beautiful handmade goods for your loved ones back home. There’s really no better way to have your students brush up on their Spanish than within a Spanish immersion environment.

Home to the amazing Galápagos Islands

An archipelago of 19 volcanic islands, the Galapagos Islands are home to some of the most incredible endemic species on Earth which were studied by Charles Darwin during the voyage of the Beagle to build his theory of evolution. A UNESCO world heritage site since 1978, it is the second largest protected Marine Reserves in the world after Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. Ecuador implemented conservation efforts in order to keep this gem of Mother Nature out of harm’s way and in 1959, the Galapagos Islands became Ecuador’s first national park – the same year the Charles Darwin Foundation was birthed – and together both research personnels continue to work together in conservation programs aimed to protect endangered species on the islands.

Endless adventures

From hiking some of the world’s tallest volcanoes, kayaking the rapids of the Amazon forest, canyoning down waterfalls and visiting the famous Casa Del Arbol (aka the Swing at the End of the World), Ecuador has something for every adventurer!


A hidden paradise.

Last but not least, Ecuador remains to be one of Latin America’s less travelled countries and a hidden traveller’s paradise. It won’t be long until word catches on and more travelers become aware of all the great things Ecuador has to offer. All this to say that now has never been a better time to start working on planning your next trip to Ecuador.


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