Jeremy Disnard – Head of Operations Support

Meet Jeremy, originally an intern who decided to join the Prometour family permanently in October, 2017. As the Head of Operations Support, Jeremy works tirelessly to make sure any extra tasks are completed so that they don’t fall through the cracks and also assists all departments with projects when they need an extra hand to get things done. Jeremy plays such a crucial part in helping our operations run smoothly!   

Tell us about yourself!

I’ve lived most of my life just south of Montreal, switching schools a few times growing up. After graduating high school, I went to Champlain College to study in the 3-year Tourism Management program. From then, I took off to live in British Columbia for a year with family I had over there. During that year I hiked mountains and spent a bit of time visiting Vancouver and other places in the area. However, as enjoyable as the experience was out there I ultimately felt like it was a more suitable place for me to visit rather than to live and so I came back home to Montreal. I enjoy being out in nature, though I unfortunately don’t get as many opportunities to venture out as I’d like. Other activities I like are biking, tennis, and soccer in the summer, and cross-country skiing in the winter. I’ve also been trying to teach myself how to cook the past few years and find it relaxing to spend a day just making all sorts of things (when I don’t mess it up too bad).

What are the top destinations you’ve visited and which was your favourite?

I’ve traveled extensively within North America and haven’t gone outside of that so far, though I do plan to some day soon. Vancouver, and British Columbia as a whole, is absolutely my favourite and most memorable travel experience. Others that I’ve enjoyed most were Florida, the Bay of Fundy, and NYC. I would revisit any of those in a second if I could.

What destinations are on your bucket list and why?

I hope in the next few years to finally achieve my dream of flying out to Ireland and spending a few weeks exploring the island. I would also love to see different parts of Southeast Asia as well as Argentina and Chile, but there isn’t really anywhere in the world I wouldn’t want to visit if I ever had the opportunity.

What is the most satisfying part of your job?

I always like to help others as best as I can so I’d say the best part is knowing just how significant an impact all the things I do have on my colleagues. I enjoy being able to relieve stress and spread positivity whenever and however possible so I’m always willing to do whatever it takes to achieve that.

Which Prometour Tour would you travel on?

As I have to look at the itineraries of each of our group trips after they travel, I’ve seen a lot of different types of tours and I must say the ones that draw me in the most are the Spain & Italy ones. The culture and the activities are so unique and exciting and a lot of it is very unfamiliar to me.

What is the best piece of travel advice you can give someone?

The most important advice I’d give is, if you have the means to travel and an idea of where you’d like to go, don’t stress too much about the little details. It’s always good to have a general idea of what you’d like to do, but don’t try to over-plan or you’ll be stuck on the details and won’t be able to just enjoy the adventure you’ve set yourself on.

Jeremy Disnard – Head of Operations Support


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